Explore Germany, CSFR, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.

Including some original content/missions, and eventually, an original ending. Build, repair, refuel and drive a dilapidated old car on a grand journey through the territories of the former Eastern bloc. ◾◾◾ A novelization of V and River's storyline as well as expanding on the unique relationship between Johnny and V (no romance). it'll turn out better than I'm expecting it to. V never fucking listens to me, but maybe this time. She's thankful she met the badge, and I'm just thankful she waited to fuck him 'til after he changed careers. Compete against real players in the multiplayer racing. Free open world with real gas stations and car services. Things seemed manageable for V alone until they weren't anymore, and she found herself on a path that put her in front of Detective River Ward. More than just parking: open-world multiplayer mode, car tuning, free walking Thousands of players are waiting for you. Tale as old as time - woman pulls heist, woman loses friends and credibility, woman ends up alone with a Night City Legend erasing her identity and replacing it with his own. Jalopy Fandoms: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game)